Letter from the Editor: High-Speed Internet Basics 2013.

Hey, everyone.

During the last six months, the Stephouse Networks team collected feedback from our Portland and Woodland communities about how to improve the customer experience of our company. One of the requests from our community was to have content accessible that explains aspects of the internet and high-speed internet access that people don’t usually know.

We listened and myself and our technical support team came up with a collection of blog posts that cover a lot of high-speed internet basics and tips for networking at home or the small office. As we shared this content across our social channels, mainly Facebook and Google+, local and internet communities responded and picked our collective brains about all types of things internet.

Thank you– we appreciate the conversations, the critiques, and the support.

We continue to listen and create short, yet valuable bits about high-speed internet service, home and office networking, and Wi-Fi security for our community members, prospective customers, and the curious folks on the internet. We hope that these high-speed internet basics not only inform people about aspects of this ubiquitous utility that they may have not known, but also want this exercise to keep us, as a trusted, local high-speed internet service provider, sharp and on our toes.

We’ve been successful and helpful only because you’ve helped us grow, learn, and get better.

While our usual authors are out working on projects or traveling, I thought I’d take a moment and focus on a list of solid topics that can assist a new mover or someone trying to improve their high-speed internet experience within their home or small office.

Purpose: I hope you find this list useful and send it to friends and family whom, perhaps, constantly struggle about how to find the best ISP, set up their new wireless router in their funky-shaped abode, and other requests that are typically sent to squads of geeks or to Jeeves. Do you remember Jeeves?

High-speed internet basics– the 2013 list:

There’s always room for improvement.

Did we miss the mark somewhere? Are we not bringing the kind of information that you’re looking for in these articles?

Definitely let us know.

Our mission is to make sure our community understands the ins and outs of high-speed internet services, regardless of who your ISP may be (we hope that it’s us, of course).

Understanding what you buy as a customer and the expectations of that service just makes for a much better experience. You know, so you can game, email, shop, stream that favorite show of yours, and SPOIL it for everyone on social media.

Take care, everyone. We appreciate your time, shares, and visits.


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